Randall & Payne are a firm of chartered accountants, business advisers and tax specialists working with clients across Gloucestershire, throughout the UK and internationally. They work with their clients to generate increased profit and cash, ethically improve their overall tax situation, invest surplus cash and ensure the client receives value for money accountancy services.
Tim Watkins
Senior Partner, Randall & PayneI am now far more engaging as a leader. I speak more confidently in front of people and communicate more. My fellow partners and staff have noticed and responded positively. I lead and have improved the strategic planning process within the business. All this has improved my confidence as a leader.
Tim Watkins
Senior Partner, Randall & PayneLEAD™ is an excellent opportunity to get together with business leaders with similar experiences and problems that you don't often get to discuss and learn from each other. Seeing how others deal with problems and applying that learning to similar issues in my organisation saves much time and energy. The very next day after the Overnight Experiential, I implemented some key learning points where I led a management meeting in a different way which resulted in outcomes far greater than I ever expected.