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Resources available any time for everyone

When leaders and their teams thrive, so do organisations.

An organisation with a high performing mindset prioritises skill development and continuously makes the necessary investments to ensure people have time to dedicate to learning to improve their work.

How-To is our extensive e-learning library of bite-size pieces of know-how available on the QuoLux™ Leadership Centre accessible at any time, on any device to everyone in your organisation. 

How-To is a truly versatile way for you to build an engaged organisation where leaders, managers and colleagues at all levels in your company can access tools, techniques and step-by-step guides whenever they need, especially when they seek help.

Crucially, How-To supports individuals to do the right things at the right time by applying their know-how and learning in the workplace when it is needed most – in the moment when they are performing their role providing insights for just-in-time solutions to unexpected problems.

There are over 100 How-To digital assets covering 12 different areas of personal, team and organisational development. Each How-To includes:

  • specific know-how on a topic 
  • a quiz to test understanding 
  • a reflective log to pull out key learning points and  
  • an area to record the action and change the person wants which they can then refer to when they need to use it 

There are 12 areas of personal, team and organisational development

Person Walking Arrow Right Solid
Leading Self
People Group Solid
Effectively Leading People
Comments Regular
Communicating at Work
Chalkboard User Solid
Managing Meetings
List Check Solid
Using & Responding to Instructions
Users Gear Solid (1)
Improving Performance
Users Rays Solid (1)
Teamwork / Working with Others
Person Circle Check Solid (1)
Developing People
Arrows Split Up And Left Solid
Dealing with Change
Chart Line Solid
Continuously Improving
Clock Regular
Using my Time Better
Hand Holding Heart Solid
Handling Difficult or Unexpected Situations

Examples of How-To's include:

1 How-To communicate effectively and be understood 

When we talk about communicating, we mean the act of transferring information from one person to the other. This How-To explains how to communicate effectively and make sure that the other person understands the message you want them to receive.

2 How-To take responsibility and be accountable 

Being accountable and taking responsibility is all about taking 'ownership', and in the workplace that means all employees accepting responsibility for their actions, behaviours, performance and decisions.

3 How-To Recognise my Impact on Others

Our words, actions, decisions and behaviour have an impact on those around you. In this How-To we look at why and how to recognise it.

4 How-To manage and prioritise my workload 

Managing a workload is important to ensure you can deliver tasks by the agreed deadlines. This How-To shows you how to manage and order your workload.

5 How-To run a meeting 

Only 50% of meeting time is used effectively...and there is evidence that remote meetings are even less effective. This How-To gives you best practice for running effective meetings.

Work never eases: you can become better

  • Bolt Solid

    Learn new skills to do something different

  • Square Check Regular

    Correctly apply a How-To performance skill

  • Hourglass Solid

    Use How-To skills to solve common problems in the moment of need

  • Up Right And Down Left From Center Solid

    Learn a wider range and greater depth of skills

  • Bookmark Regular

    On-going practise and review

  • User Gear Solid

    24/7 access and digital support on any device


The How-To range has been designed to provide a common language and approach across 7 Skill Levels ranging from a junior / apprentice through skilled worker to team leader, manager and ultimately to the senior leadership team all within a SkillBuild framework. 

QuoLux™ SkillBuild Framework showing the 7 Skill Levels 


For every Skill Level we have created How-To guides, tools and techniques that will help a person to develop their leadership, management or teamwork skills to improve their personal and professional development. Every How-To is a skill that can be linked to a Skill Step and sit within a Skills Matrix.  

As well as access to the How-To range, QuoLux™ can help you to create a SkillBuild framework, Skill Matrices and Skill Steps for all Skill Levels within your organisation to encourage all employees to improve their performance on a task and to cover absence, develop multi-skilling and assist with promotions and succession planning. 

How-To put your people at the centre of their own development. The How-To approach to organisational development allows your colleagues to pause, take a step back, actively consider an aspect of know-how and their capabilities in how to apply the How-To to solve a problem, improve a situation and develop themselves. By practising with each How-To, this gives them the confidence, the self-belief, to make the right decision.

People learn from people. QuoLuxcan facilitate regular group reviews to bring our peer learning.


The How-To range is available through monthly subscription so please send us a message below to access our range of How-To guides, tools and techniques to support the development of your people.  


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How To Thumbnail 1

How to access the How-To's

If you are interested in finding out more about developing your organisation to improve leadership and business performance, please send us a message below.


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