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Blog: Leading with Insight

Untitled Design (27)

Supported Networks - The Key to Successful Engagement in SMEs?

Some time ago, I was presented with the ultimate hospital pass in being challenged to create one successful Business Link out of five failing ones in the NW of England. Fortunately for me as Chair of…

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6 Coins And Plants

Regenerative Businesses as the Building Blocks for a Regenerative Economy

The ambition to reach net zero limits the scope of what needs to be achieved – such a vision is one of limiting the damage done by business – a hollow purpose at best. An alternative vision would be one in which society enjoys good growth from business: aligned business value and social value. This is the focus of regenerative business.…

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Productivity Week Blog

Top Tips to Improve your Organisation's Productivity

It's National Productivity week in the UK and with a wealth of experience in this area, where could you focus to improve your organisation's productivity? First off, treat your staff as well as you treat your customers.…

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Fork In Road Lady

Good Dividends: Purposefully changing the world of work

If we say countries and companies are ‘entities’ then 150 of the top 200 largest entities in the world, defined by size, are companies. This suggests that businesses should be playing a huge and crucial part in managing the planet and not leaving it to the politicians. Businesses developing a purpose is of paramount importance. …

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Website Giving Effective Feedback For High Performance

Five Tips for Giving Effective Feedback

It is really important for people to know how they are doing in the workplace and research confirms that performance feedback is one of the best ways to help employees to learn, develop and reach their best potential. However…

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Leading Issue 4 (2)

Family Recipe for Success

What does it take to grow a successful family business? With the countdown underway to the 2023 SoGlos Gloucestershire Business Awards and our sponsorship of the Family Business Award, here we share…

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Learning And Development

Improve Performance through Learning & Development

Given the benefits of learning and development for individuals and for organisations, it is not surprising that Google found that their most effective managers actively support their team’s career …

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Chris Butterworth Masterclass 2023 A

How Leaders Can Build a Motivated Team & Improve Performance

Research consistently shows that motivated employees have greater job satisfaction, are more productive and produce a better performance. So how do we motivate people and build …

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