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Blog: Leading with Insight

Change Curve Blog

Navigating Change: How Effective Leaders Guide Teams Through Change

This month, we're exploring four guiding principles for how effective leaders can lead change. This week, we're delving into the second principle: supporting people through the Change Curve.…

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Leading Change 20 60 20

Leading Change in Business: The 20/60/20 Rule

In recent years, organisations have faced unprecedented challenges from various directions — economic uncertainty, technological disruptions, shifting consumer behaviours, and more. For business…

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Embedding Change

Embracing Change: the Leader's Mandate

“People do not like change”.   It is said so often it has almost became a truism. Well, we don’t accept that and as business leaders we should not accept that. We have a duty to lead change, encourage…

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Leading Change, Leadership Styles

Leading Change, Part 3

Principles for leading change and the importance of adjusting leadership style to suit the circumstance in periods of extreme change or everyday challenges.…

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Change Curve Rollercoaster

Leading Change: Part 2

What makes an effective leader? This month we are considering four guiding principles for leading change and this week we’re discussing the second principle; supporting people through the Change…

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Leading Change

Leading Change, Part 1

Over the last year, organisations have faced enormous challenges, and the UK is now on course for a double-dip recession for the first time since 1975. The challenge for business leaders therefore at…

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Cotteswold Dairy 9

Leading Change: The Story of Transformational Change in a Family Business

Multi-award winning Cotteswold Dairy is one of the most widely known and recognised family businesses in Gloucestershire.  With its distinctive blue and cream livery vehicles, the company has been…

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Step 5 Sense Of Urgency

Transformation (Step 5): Create a Sense of Urgency

So far we have discussed four of the five critical steps in transforming you and your business on the journey to world-class / high performance / best-in-class, namely:  1. Assessing leadership…

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