QuoLuxTM b-corp

Blog: Leading with Insight

Feedback V3 (1)

The Art of Constructive Feedback: A Leader’s Guide

While employees generally appreciate constructive feedback and understand its benefits, many leaders and managers feel uncomfortable delivering it. Yet, providing feedback is crucial for personal and…

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Successful Delegation Blog 1

Effective Delegation: Empower Your Team and Free Your Time

On our leadership programs, a frequent concern raised by delegates is that they feel they are spending too much time working ‘in the business’. They are not alone.According to McKinsey, many…

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Leader As Coach Blog (1)

Elevating Leadership: The Power of Coaching for Senior Managers and Executives

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the role of senior managers and leaders is more crucial than ever. They are the navigators steering their organisations through the…

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Financial Blog July 2024

The Financial Backbone: Enhancing Business Decisions for Success

In today's dynamic business environment, making effective decisions is crucial for sustaining growth and ensuring long-term success. At the heart of this process lies the financial role, which…

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EI Blog (1)

The Cost of Workplace Conflict and the Power of Emotional Intelligence

Workplace conflict is a significant issue, costing the UK economy an estimated £28.5 billion annually, with nearly half a million employees resigning each year due to unresolved conflicts (Acas,…

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Untitled Design (32)

Simplifying Strategy for Effective Operations

Often, we make strategy more complicated than it needs to be. The true value of reviewing and rethinking strategy lies in bringing clarity to everyone in the organisation. Simplifying strategy can…

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Unblocking Business Bottlenecks: Identifying Your Herbie

Are there issues in your business that slow things down or block progress? If so, do you know where your "Herbie" is? Eli Goldratt introduces the concept of "Herbie" in his best-selling book, The…

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Hobbs House Bakery - the rise and rise of B Corp and their business

As a young man expected to join the family bakery business George Herbert (pictured above, fifth from the right) did anything but, and only after university, travelling, and eight years in the…

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